Saturday, June 4, 2011

Starting Over....Sorta

So, for reasons I really don't feel like taking the time to explain, I had to start a new blog account.  That is fine.  With the advent of social networking that we get to enjoy in this here 21st century I highly doubt that the people who hang on my every word (everyone) will have a hard time finding my little nuggets of literary genius.

Hey!  I just looked a a preview of the first paragraph that you just read and I really dig this format as compared to the old one.  Maybe that will be enough incentive for me to post more regularly.  Or not.  Or is it?  No, it's not.

Suffice it to say, I feel like a clean slate has been provided in which I can relay my thoughts (be them humorous or more serious in nature).  So, I have, indeed, started over.  Don't worry, though.  I'm still going to do silly things like this:

 In fact, the only promise I'm going to make upon debuting this new blog is that I'll still do these pointless videos.  Hey, it's the least I can do.  Seriously, it's the very least.  I could probably attempt to do something less, but I would fail miserably.  Because this is the least.

I will try to post more often than on the old blog.......but I'm not promising I just said.

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